What if you could slow down?

Are you tired of rushing from activity to commitment, feeling distracted and drained by all the things?

We've all been there. Imagine if you:

⤁ were actively present with your little ones

⤁ could deepen your connection, each day

⤁ could find joy and ease in motherhood

Take 5 days to reset, simplify, and reduce your overwhelm today.

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I love this, I think there is a real fear around not being busy enough – but slowing down and just being there is so enjoyable and a boost for both us as parents and our kids!

- Amy S.

Hi there!

I'm Jess and I am so glad you’re here. I know exactly how it feels to spend my days rushing and overwhelmed.

I started Raising Slow as a way to hold myself accountable as I worked to simplify and slow. Through a lot of trial and error, I found ways to slow down, create more calm, and build deeper connections with my little ones.

I hope you’ll join me on this 5-day slow motherhood challenge. It is an opportunity to take a few minutes each day, and slow down with your kids. An opportunity to connect, love, be mindful with them, and even have a little fun!

I can’t wait to meet you there!


I love this! I definitely could use some slowing down. The days just literally start to blur together.

- Mary S.