Find the presence, connection and joy in motherhood you've been searching for even when you feel overwhelmed, stressed, and pulled in every direction.


from overwhelmed and stressed to present and calm

Ditch feeling pulled in so many directions, the explosive emotions (theirs and yours!), the over-scheduled calendar, and the guilt and start feeling calm, present, connected and joyful.

Whether you're a brand new mom or have a team of littles following your around, if you're ready for a major change, Your journey begins here!

Motherhood isn't easy.

Rewarding, joyful, worthwhile, of course.

But still. It can be hard. Overwhelming. Stressful. Overstimulating. Relentless.

The overwhelm and endless to do lists make it feel impossible to take a break. And when you do -- the mom guilt follows.

The triggers, frustration, impatience, overstimulation make it difficult to keep your cool. You find yourself yelling and aren't sure how to reset and repair afterwards.

You compare yourself to other moms, who seem to have it together and feel like you're not enough, are doing it "wrong," and are constantly doubting yourself.

There are so many big emotions (yours and theirs), outbursts, and whining standing in the way of peace.

You want something different. Something more peaceful, undistracted, a little more playful. You've imagined a more relaxed and rested motherhood. You know it's possible.

So, what's holding you back?

You're constantly playing catch up, feeling rushed all the time, with no time for yourself.

You want to stay on top of everything, but it's so hard when you're juggling kids, work, housework, life.

You just want one moment for yourself.

You want to enjoy this time with your little ones, but feel like you don't have the energy, patience, or time to have fun or connect with them.

You know that you want a calm and peaceful home. Maybe you've even tried simplifying, meditation or other courses.

but something isn't quite right...

You don't have time to slow down. You carry the mental load of the entire family and blame yourself when anything goes wrong. You feel guilty because you are short on patience more often than you care to admit. And, you sometimes feel that no matter what you do, it isn't quite enough. 

(I get it. I've been there...)


how an undistracted, playful, connected motherhood would feel. One with enough time to care for ourselves and create calm, even through the most busy and trying times.

You're calm and in the moment, rather than always thinking about what needs to get done. You're able to step into "mom" mode, peacefully and without distraction.

When you are with your little ones, you are fully present.

You have peaceful days relaxing and laughing together. You're making memories and enjoying your kids.

You feel connected. And you can see the difference in your kids through this connection. They are calmer, more cooperative.

You're at ease, relaxed.

You've had time to yourself, without guilt. You've refilled your own cup, and you're prioritizing what matters.

You're confident and you know you are enough.

You understand your own triggers and are learning to manage them.

You know you'll make mistakes and lose your patience from time to time (and your cool) but you also know what to do to repair those mistakes and how to move on.

Sound too good to be true?

It's not!

I know because I've done it. And I've taught hundreds of other mamas too:

Oy. You've got me crying again. I was so high strung, and just so... mean. I was angry and finding joy so hard instead of it flowing naturally... I've been able to really slow down and breathe and let the other things that don't matter as much fall to the wayside. The whole family has noticed a positive shift in me.

- Kaley M.

It makes you reflect about what you actually want to be as a mom and family, but also how you can make that happen. Instead of focusing on "I wish I stopped xyz..." or "I'm not a good mom..." internal messaging we can easily fall prey to, we can actually see how what we want is different than what we're doing and take steps to become that mom. I think every parent should take time to thoughtfully engage with their kids, and Jess' course makes that so much easier.

- Amanda S.

Before I was barely keeping my head above water. Now i feel supported and not so ill-equipped as I heal my own triggers and help my kids handle their emotions. I feel like it's going to have a generational impact.

- Michelle S.

I get it. I've been there. 

I was overwhelmed and burnt out. I felt like I was drowning and doing everything wrong.

Through the years, I found ways to simplify and slow down. Things got better. I could see a difference in my kids, in our relationship, and in own mood. I felt more peace and calm, even when my little ones were everything but.

I want this for you, and for every mama who has ever felt like she was failing, stressed or overwhelmed.

I want to alleviate your fears that you aren't good enough and help you eliminate some of the stress and worry that comes with motherhood.

I want to help you find time for yourself and peace in the chaos.

I want to guide you through this less-than-conventional, mindful approach to motherhood, to benefit all of us and our children. To intentionally build a values-based life filled with joy and connection. I hope you'll join me!

A calmer, more peaceful life is within reach.

Count me in!

Using Peaceful Mama's proven, guided program full of digestible content, strategies & support to help align your values as a mother into your day to day life so you can feel more calm, peaceful & present at home.

Together, we'll make critical mindset shifts that move you from feeling rushed, reactive, self-critical, guilty, inadequate, and stressed to compassionate, more at ease.

You'll learn replacement thoughts and ideas that help with the big emotions. We'll bust some of the myths associated with motherhood, and we'll explore how you feel about your family and move you into how you want to feel.

This is where the magic happens. Peaceful Mamas is full of simple, actionable strategies to create lasting change. There is no fluff.

In each module of Peaceful Mamas, you'll get quick wins to help you take action (and make change) immediately.

You'll set up rhythms, develop a family culture, get your little ones playing independently, and learn what to do when things don't go as planned (like if you yell or lose your patience).

Once you've taken action, you'll start to shift. Right away, you'll notice a difference in how you feel (and so will your family), you'll see a difference in how your little ones interact with you (and each other). These shifts will help keep the momentum going.

Then, we'll work on establishing habits to keep that momentum going, continue practicing what you've learned and making progress well after the course ends.

Throughout, you'll get monthly live calls, email support and encouragement if you're feeling stuck, overwhelmed or have any questions.

take a look at what's inside:

Foundation: Values

Whatever your values are, they are the key to building an intentional life. They are also the key to eliminating the excess to make room for what really matters.

If you only do one piece of Peaceful Mamas, getting clear on your values is it. We start here because it makes everything else easier: saying no to the unimportant, building presence into your days, dealing with the downsides and difficulties with our intentional choices.

Module 1: Vision & Intention

Every mom has a different idea how she wants her life to look. Maybe yours is adventurous with lots of laughter or more reflective and heavy on kindness. Or maybe you want a life of playfulness and generosity.

Here's where we look at our life holistically, make a values-based plan for it, imagine what our adult children might say about their childhood and start intentionally making this a reality.

Module 2: Presence

Need a little patience? How about compassion? Both are linked to mindfulness. You'll get zen-like feelings in very un zen-like surroundings. You'll learn how to bring presence into your day in unexpected places as well as how to respond rather than react.

You'll also learn how to get out of your own way. We'll debunk some motherhood myths and work to retrain our brain to reject our own detrimental thoughts and reframe our beliefs around our children, giving us more patient, even during the worst moments.

Module 3: Peace

Module 3 is the heart of Peaceful Mamas. We'll go over what is keeping us from peace. We'll dig deep on peaceful communications and continue with our mindset work.

Finally, we'll talk about our triggers and how to eliminate some, reduce others, and let go of the rest (or at least deal with them with a bit of grace).

And, let's be honest, we're not perfect, so we'll talk about what to do when we've been triggered and how to move past those moments of anger and frustration.

Module 4: Play

Play is a key to peace. We'll talk about ways to bring play into your day-to-day for greater cooperation and shorter bouts of frustration.

You'll also learn the two keys to get them to play independently longer so you have more time for you and the 30-second strategy to delight and engage them.

Don't worry if you don't like to "play." We talk about that too!

Module 5: Connection

We all crave deeper connections. In this module we will talk about using connection to increase peace (and how to use it to correct the behavior that we don't love).

Then you'll get strategies to connect on the busiest days and how to rebuild the connection after you've lost your patience, yelled, or were triggered.

Lastly, we'll talk about connecting with ourselves. This is all about replenishing our own energy, filling our cups and prioritizing ourselves before we burn out.

Module 6: Rhythm & Flow

In module six, we'll put it all together by building a daily rhythm and weekly flow that, prioritizes connection, mindfulness, and self-care, all while getting the necessities done.

We'll also work on our relationship with time, how to make the day-to-day a little more special and create a seasonal plan together. Your days will feel more at ease and less forced. Your little ones will understand "what's next," making those transitions a little less stressful (and usually faster!)

I'm in!

want a little more support?

Regular Live Office Hours

Have questions? Celebrating a win? Feeling stuck? Throughout the course, I'll have semi-weekly office hours related to the course content (or anything else you're interested in).

You can either attend and ask live or submit your questions beforehand. All office hours will be available for replay in the membership portal (including transcripts and audio recordings).

Once the live portion of the course is over, you'll continue to have access to monthly live calls with this cohort of Peaceful Mamas and those before and after you.

you'll also get a few bonuses:

Simplify Your Space & Time

A $67 Value

If your home or schedule feel cluttered and overwhelming, this mini-course will help. You'll learn to simplify your home in a sustainable way - no big weekend garage clean up and then burnout. You'll also learn strategies for keeping the clutter out, what to do with heirlooms and kids' art and how to keep your schedule free from overwhelm.

Rituals & Traditions: Building a Family Culture

A $67 Value

Marking seasons and milestones, weaving specialness into your every day, and passing down tradition can create the most important memories of your children's childhood. Learn how to intentionally build a family culture that increases connection, demonstrates your values, and passes down your family history all while honoring your current beliefs.

Use these rituals and traditions to form your daily rhythm and yearly flow. Learn how to build them from scratch as well as how to modify the ones that aren't quite right.

Cultivating Habits for Peace Mini Course

A $67 Value

The perfect companion to Peaceful Mamas. If you're worried you'll learn new skills and strategies and then forget them - this mini-course is for you. You'll stack your habits, schedule them, and slowly add more in. You'll get a habit tracker and ongoing support in building these habits.

The Big Three Masterclass

A $37 value

There are three keys to a calm home, cooperative kids, and more time for ourselves. I call them "the Big Three." Giving our little ones the attention they need, as much autonomy as possible, and simple spaces and calendars will give us so much peace, easier transitions, and more confident and resilient kids. And, we can do it in just a few minutes a day.

101 Ways to Simplify Your Life Cover

101 Quick Tips to Simplify Your Life ($17)

Ok, you're excited to simplify but know it is going to take some time to implement. But, with 101 Quick Tips, you can get started today with a few things that will save you time now.

Slow Motherhood & Screens: Theirs and Ours

A $17 value

A realistic guide to intentionally using screens, setting boundaries on social media, and knowing when to say no. This is not a "do this, not that" guide, rather a way for you to set guidelines that work for you and your family.

And more...

Including guided meditations and affirmations to support your journey, weekly email support and complimentary readings, and an option for 1-on-1 coaching. You'll also have lifetime access, including all updates and live Q&As.


6 Payments of $52

Work through the lessons live or at your own pace. Here's what's included:

  • Lifetime access to course materials, including any future updates
  • Workbooks and prompts to help you along your journey and uncover any resistance
  • Monthly live office hours
  • Personalized support through your journey
  • Transcriptions and sound recordings of all lessons
  • Rituals & Traditions: Building a Family Culture
  • The Big Three Masterclass
  • Space & Time Masterclass
  • Cultivating Habits for Peace Mini Course
  • Slow Motherhood Screens: Theirs and Ours
  • 101 Tips to Simplify Your Life



Work through the lessons live or at your own pace. Here's what's included:

  • Lifetime access to course materials, including any future updates
  • Workbooks and prompts to help you along your journey and uncover any resistance
  • Monthly live office hours
  • Personalized support through your journey
  • Transcriptions and sound recordings of all lessons
  • Rituals & Traditions: Building a Family Culture
  • The Big Three Masterclass
  • Space & Time Masterclass
  • Cultivating Habits for Peace Mini Course
  • Slow Motherhood Screens: Theirs and Ours
  • 101 Tips to Simplify Your Life



Get everything from the paid-in-full option, PLUS:

  • 1 Hour-long one-on-one coaching call with personalized gameplan
  • Free enrollment to Breath to Bloom Founding Membership, my upcoming course on breathwork for energy, calm, and manifestation for mamas (October 2023)
  • Customized Values printable

One-on-one call must be redeemed within 6 months of enrollment.

To add this VIP option, toggle the button at checkout.

some more kind words...

There is definitely less shouting at home, and I feel that there is more communication happening between myself and my kids. I am also learning to say no to things that don't align with my values which makes me feel happier in daily life.

It's an eye-opening course to a more peaceful and enjoyable motherhood. Its a course that you didn't realize you needed and once you've taken it you won't believe how you were parenting before it.

- Sandy V.

I really, really loved everything I learned.

I really love how accessible the course is. I feel like people can find their own path, all the teachings are short it to the point. It's simple. 

I think it's a really powerful course in its simplicity.

- Kelley T.

Have I made any changes? Oh yeah, definitely. I think our daily routine has been the biggest change. The vision sparked a change in our daily routine.  

I think it's just a fantastic fresh canvas that we've created, especially with the new baby coming, and I feel at peace.

The levels of patience have really, really risen in the house.

- Melissa C.

Here's how Peaceful Mamas works:

As soon as you enroll, you'll see two emails: a welcome email from me and a course email from ThriveCart (the course portal). You'll get immediate access to Peaceful Mamas.

You can get started on the intro lessons and the bonus courses.

We'll kick off the live portion on July 10, with a live class to answer any questions (but reach out before then if you have any!). You'll get an email with the invite.

I can't wait to see you there!

Is Peaceful Mamas Right for Me?

If you are:

↠ A mother who is ready to change the way you parent and live to a more present, easier, more joyful parenting style,

↠ Ready to stop feeling guilty for taking care of yourself and to start building it in to your schedule,

↠ Ready for deeper connections with your children and a more peaceful home,

↠ Tired of feeling overwhelmed and "not enough,"

↠ Aware that all of this starts with you,

then yes, this program is for you.


What's included with Peaceful Mamas?

Peaceful Mamas includes 6 comprehensive modules, with a live Q&A each month, printable workbooks and prompts, and plenty of supporting bonuses.

Once signed up, you will receive lifelong access to the course portal, including videos, transcripts, audio recordings, bonuses, and any future additions.

What will I learn?

In Peaceful Mamas you'll:

↠ Learn ow to shift your mindset to a simpler, more joyful life.

↠ Discover your triggers, start to eliminate them. And when you can't eliminate, learn to manage them better.

Discover your family values and use them to intentionally build your life.

↠ Learn the three things your kids need to play independently and happily (giving you more time for yourself).

↠ Learn how to unbusy and unhurry your life to make more time and space for what matters to you.

↠ Find out what to do when you've lost your patience, yelled, or snapped. We all get frustrated, the key is to repair the situation.

↠ Build habits that create more calm and patience and lose the ones that aren't serving you.

What's the investment?

The Peaceful Mamas investment is $247, with a personalized option available for $397. There is also a payment plan of $42 per month. If none of these options work for you, please reach out. I want to make this available to as many mamas as possible.

I priced Peaceful Mamas after asking the founding members what they thought a course like this is worth. Most members said between $300 and $500.

Except for Sandy V. who asked if "priceless" is an option 😉.

What if I don't have time for this?

I get it... you have a lot on your list. But, ou will have lifetime access! So, take your time.

Even an hour a week will make a difference.

You'll get clarity and notice a change right away in the first module. So, even if you only do that one module, you'll see a difference.

Also, each module has a quick win so you can make progress without much time.

A goal of this course is to find more time for you. If you can find a few hours in the coming weeks, this course will help you create more time in the months and years ahead.

Will this work if my kids are babies? Toddlers? Teenagers?

My children are four and six, so I use them as examples. However simplifying will benefit families with kids of all ages, all caretakers (including dads and grandparents).

I wish I had started slowing down before I had children, and will continue this journey (and help teach them how to live simply) well into our future.

How soon after I purchase the product will I have access?

You will receive access to the Peaceful Mamas course portal shortly after you sign up.

The course officially starts on July 10, and new modules will be released weekly after July 10. Live calls will be uploaded within 24 hours of call.

What if I have more questions?

Just ask! I want this investment to be worth it before you commit. Please reach out to with any questions, concerns, hesitations, anything.

The Raising Slow Guarantee

Peaceful Mamas has been years in the making. I dreamed of putting together all the research and tried and true lessons I've learned "in the field" into a complete, effective, and simple program so you can learn without making the mistakes I made. And you can make change now.

I want to make sure your experience with Peaceful Mamas is a great one.

If for any reason, it does not meet your expectations and you've gone through the course, I’d love to work with you to figure out what we can do together. Within 14 days, if you don't think your family has benefited from the course, I’d be happy to discuss a refund or an alternate solution.

Are you ready for the motherhood you dream of?

I'd can't wait to see you there!